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5 Benefits of Veneers

Our patients are always looking for a way to quickly and dramatically improve their smile. Whether you are preparing for a family reunion, graduation party, or even a wedding, veneers are a great way to take your smile to the level you have always hoped to show friends and family.

One of the best ways to get a photo-ready smile is through veneers. These custom-designed semi-translucent covers are bonded to the front of your teeth resulting in an immediate and remarkable makeover. Veneers can beautifully transform gaps, chipped teeth, discoloration, and mishaped or crooked teeth.

We understand that you want your teeth to be stunning for every occasion. Veneers may be a great solution for you.

Here are some of the benefits of veneers…

They are Fast

In as little as two visits, veneers deliver a quick and pain-free solution to reshape and remake your smile.

They are Personalized

At Greentree, our Doctors make it a priority to consider and sculpt the perfect veneers for the results you are looking for.

They Look Natural

Veneers appear natural, making it virtually impossible to differentiate a veneer from a natural tooth.

They do not Change Color

While natural teeth may change color as you grow older, veneers maintain their original color for a long-lasting whiter and brighter smile.

They are Stain Resistant 

While natural teeth are subject to stains from smoking and some drinks, veneers are designed to resist stains. 

If you are looking for a quick way to an unforgettable smile, veneers might be the answer for you. Please contact the Greentree team today for a Complimentary Veneers Consultation.

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We look forward to hearing from you. Call 614.459.5511 or request an appointment online to get started.