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Dental Implants vs. Bridges for Missing Teeth: Which Is Best?

Losing a tooth can happen to anyone. Whether it's due to an accident, age, or disease, it's a common reality many of us face. A staggering 69% of people between the ages of 35 and 44 have lost one or more permanent teeth. If you're one of them, you might wonder about the best solution to fill the gap in your smile.

Enter dental implants and bridges, 2 of the most popular options to replace missing teeth. While they might sound technical, these procedures are now more efficient and less intimidating than ever, thanks to modern dental technology advancements.

In This Article, You'll Discover:

  • A deeper understanding of Dental Implants vs. Dental Bridges.
  • The marvels of modern dental technology and how they benefit you.
  • Weighing the pros and cons of both options.
  • Comparing the longevity, durability, and costs.
  • Insights into the processes and procedures for each treatment.
  • Frequently asked questions to guide your decision.

Read on to explore these options in detail and decide which one is the best fit for you. Let's ensure you reclaim not just your radiant smile – but also your confidence!

Understanding Dental Implants vs. Dental Bridges In-Depth

Dental Implants

At the base of a dental implant is a titanium screw acting as an artificial tooth root. Once in place, a crown is attached to this root. 

The end product? Something that looks and functions just like your natural tooth. 

But the perks of dental implants aren’t just about appearances – implants are the long-haulers of the dental world. They can last a lifetime with the right care, making them the best solution for many. 

Quick Facts:

  • Over 3 million Americans have dental implants, and that number is growing by 500,000 a year (American Academy, 1).
  • Their success rate? An impressive 98% (1).

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges take a simple and direct approach, just as their name implies. Their mission? To bridge the space missing teeth leave behind, all while being held in place by crowns on the adjacent teeth. 

While they might not boast the permanence of implants, bridges have advantages, including a quicker healing time and an aesthetic that blends seamlessly with your natural teeth.

Quick Facts:

  • Bridges provide a quick solution to missing teeth, seamlessly integrating into your smile.
  • They lean on the neighboring teeth for support.
  • The average bridge lasts about 10.1 years. But, with diligent oral care and regular dental check-ups, some bridges can last longer (2).

Modern Dental Technology for Dental Implants and Bridges

Our smiles have greatly benefited from the leaps and bounds made in dental technology in recent years. Today, the techniques and materials used for dental implants and bridges are more advanced, efficient, and patient-friendly than ever before.

CEREC Technology

One of the standout innovations in the world of dentistry is CEREC. CEREC stands for  Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics technology (5).

This system uses computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) to create high-quality dental restorations in one visit. Patients no longer need to wait weeks for their crowns or bridges to be made in a separate lab. With CEREC, you could walk out of your dentist's office with a new tooth in as little as two appointments (5)!

Advancements in Implant Technology:

  • 3D Imaging and Planning: With the advent of 3D imaging, dental professionals can now have a comprehensive view of the patient's jaw structure. This allows for precise planning and placement of the implant, ensuring optimal results.

  • Biocompatible Materials: Modern dental implants are typically made of titanium or zirconium, known for their compatibility with human bone. This ensures the body doesn't reject the implant, leading to better osseointegration.

  • Immediate Load Implants: Traditionally, patients had to wait months between implant placement and crown attachment. However, immediate load implants, also known as "same-day implants," enable certain patients to receive the implant and the crown in just one day.

Latest in Bridge Treatments:

  • Zirconia Bridges: Gone are the days of metal-based bridges. Zirconia, a highly durable and 100% biocompatible material, is now frequently used. Its more robust and natural appearance ensures the bridge blends seamlessly with the adjacent teeth.

  • Digital Impressions: The traditional method of taking impressions can be uncomfortable for patients. Now, with digital impression systems, dentists can capture a precise 3D image of the teeth and gums, making the process faster and far more comfortable.

With all these advancements, dental treatments have become more efficient, predictable, and comfortable for patients. If you're considering a dental implant or bridge, you truly benefit from a golden age of dental technology!

Dental Bridges vs. Implants: The Pros and Cons

Dental Bridges and implants have pros and cons, and what works best for one person may not be the ideal choice for another. Let's dive into the details.

Dental Bridges

The Pros:

  • Speedy Solution: Bridges are often quicker to get. Fewer visits to the dentist means you can flash that new smile in no time.

  • Skip the Surgery: If the idea of surgery makes you queasy, bridges have your back. They're a non-surgical solution.

  • Looks That Thrill: Bridges look like natural teeth with today's modern technology. They're custom-designed and crafted using materials that mimic natural teeth' color, shape, and transparency.

The Cons:

  • Needy Neighbors: Bridges lean on the teeth next to them. This can strain and even damage the neighboring teeth over time.

  • Decay's Doorway: Decay can sneak into the areas where the bridge latches onto supporting teeth.

  • Shorter Lifespan: A bridge won't last forever. Expect about 10 years with a strong oral hygiene routine (2).

Dental Implants

The Pros: 

  • Natural Neighbor: Implants look like your other teeth and feel like them, too.

  • Jawbone's BFF: Implants help keep your jawbone healthy by avoiding bone loss.

  • Durable: Implants can stick around for decades – some even last a lifetime (1).

The Cons:

  • Surgery Ahead: Getting implants isn't just a casual drop-in. It's a surgical procedure.

  • Wallet Watch: Initially, implants might seem pricier than bridges. But remember, good investments can pay off.

Longevity and Durability: Comparing Bridges and Implants

When diving into tooth replacement options, longevity is a pivotal factor for many. Bridges generally last between 5-15 years. 

Implants might work best for you if you're searching for a robust and enduring solution. Crafted from titanium, a material known for its compatibility with the human body, implants have the potential to last a lifetime. 

The reason they last so long isn't just because of what they're made of. Implants attach perfectly to your jawbone using a method called osseointegration. Implants have a success rate of 98% (1).

Comparing Costs

When we have a missing tooth, the first question that pops into our minds is, "What's the best replacement?" But soon after, "How much will it cost?" follows. Let's break down the costs of bridges vs. implants to give you a clearer idea.

Initial Costs vs. Long-Term Value

Right off the bat, dental implants usually cost more than bridges. But here's the catch – implants last way longer (1). 

Over the years, you’ll probably save money with an implant because it can be a one-time deal. 

On the other hand, even though bridges might be lighter on your wallet at first, they can wear out and need to be replaced about every 10 years (2).

Average Prices

So, how much money are we talking? Here's a simple breakdown.

Dental Bridges:

  • Traditional bridges: $2,000 to $5,000
  • Maryland bridges: $1,500 to $2,500
  • Cantilever bridges: $2,000 to $5,000

Remember, the type of material and where you live can change these prices (4).

Dental Implants:

  • Usually, a single dental implant will cost between $3,000 and $6,000. That includes everything – the surgery, the part that holds the tooth, and the tooth itself (3).

Additional Costs to Consider

But wait, there's more! Bridges might need some extra care over the years. And for implants, if your jawbone isn't strong enough, you might need some extra work done, called bone grafting. 

Plus, even though the implant can last super long, the tooth part might need to be changed after many years.

Insurance Coverage

Some dental insurance plans help out with the costs of bridges and implants. But each plan is different, so you'll need to check yours. Nowadays, more insurance plans see the benefits of dental implants and might help out more with their costs (4).

Costs in a Nutshell

When thinking long-term, dental implants often come out on top as a buy-it-once, have-it-forever kind of deal. In contrast, while bridges might be kinder to your wallet initially, they might require more dentist visits down the road for replacements or fixes. That could mean more time and, yes – more money spent in the long haul.

But remember, your choice between a bridge and an implant isn't just about dollars and cents. It boils down to what suits you best, how durable you want your solution to be, and your dentist's advice. 

Always have a heart-to-heart with your dentist about costs and their recommendations. Because when it comes to teeth – one size doesn't fit all!

The Process and Procedures: Getting Bridges vs. Implants

Making an informed decision about your dental care means understanding the costs and what you can expect during each procedure. Let's break down the processes for dental bridges vs. implants.

Dental Bridges Process & Procedure

  1. Consultation: Your journey begins with a consultation. Your dentist examines the gap and the neighboring teeth to determine whether a bridge is suitable.

  1. Tooth Preparation: The teeth on either side of the gap are reshaped to accommodate crowns supporting the bridge.

  1. Impressions: Once reshaped, an impression of the teeth is taken. This guides the dental lab in creating a bridge that fits perfectly.

  1. Temporary Bridge: While you wait for your custom bridge, a temporary one might be placed to protect the reshaped teeth.

  1. Fitting the Permanent Bridge: During your next visit, your dentist will fit, adjust, and cement the permanent bridge. A few adjustments might be needed to ensure a perfect fit and bite.

Dental Implants Process & Procedure

  1. Initial Assessment: Your dentist assesses the health of your jawbone. You're good to go if there's enough bone to support an implant. If not, you might need a bone graft.

  1. Implant Placement: A small incision is made in the gum, and the dental implant (a titanium post) is placed into the jawbone.

  1. Healing Process: Over a few months, the implant fuses with the bone in a process called osseointegration. This creates a solid foundation.

  1. Abutment Placement: Once healed, an abutment is attached to the implant, holding the crown.

  1. Attaching the Crown: Finally, a custom-made crown is attached to the abutment, giving you a tooth that looks and feels natural.

FAQs: Dental Bridges vs. Implants

How long do both procedures take?

Bridges typically require two visits over a few weeks. Dental implants can take several months, especially if bone grafting is needed.

Can I eat normally after getting them?

With bridges, you'll want to be careful for a few days. For implants, you'll need to eat soft foods while the implant site heals.

Are they painful procedures?

Most patients only experience minor discomfort. Local anesthesia ensures the process is pain-free, and post-procedure pain can be managed with over-the-counter painkillers.

How do I care for my bridge or implant?

Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups are crucial. Your dentist will give you specific care instructions based on your individual needs.

Book a Free Consultation with Greentree Dental

Making a decision about your dental health isn't always easy. At Greentree Dental, we're here to guide you every step of the way. 

Schedule a free consultation with us to discuss your options, get answers to your questions, and embark on your journey to a brighter, healthier smile.


1. American Academy of Implant Dentistry: What Are Dental Implants?

2. Dental Implant Guide: Dental Implants Have Long-Term Success 

3. GoodRX: How Much Do Dental Bridges Cost?

4. Cost Helper Health: Cost of Dental Implants

5. Marietta Rosewell Dental Care: CEREC and Dental Bridge FAQs

Learn more about getting implants in our office: Dental Implants in Upper Arlington

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